My DA is called Ransack. Run by a collective of inspiring journalists which write on topics such as politics, music and sport. The page exists on WordPress and is distributed on popular platforms Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I write sports articles ranging from match reviews, player reviews and feature articles.


My DA prototype is currently quite small. RANSACK currently has 280 Facebook likes, 34 Twitter followers and 49 new Instagram followers. Instagram is where I refine my articles, yet Facebook gains the most traction with the highest followers count. I have posted 7 posts since the DA pitch which have all been reposted on the twitter and Facebook.  


To iterate my DA I started an Instagram account. ‘Ransack Sport’ started on the 2nd of September and since then has built up a following of 48 followers. This is an alright start as I have plans to further boost the interaction on the account.

A few points which I would like to act upon to boost traction are:

  • player based reviews
  • local articles
  • being active among comment sections of large social media accounts
  • following sport fans

With the introduction of the instagram account I have applied hashtags and tags to try and boost my following. This hasn’t worked to date which means other methods must be applied. I have also implemented the use of the Instagram story feature for one story to enhance audience interaction. As it’s still the early days of the prototyping stage, I will look to use the feedback loop further as I progress with my DA to get feedback from my audience.


I’m currently thoroughly enjoying prototyping my DA as it’s something that has become a hobby for me. I’m not receiving any significant statistics however do trust that I will be able to achieve a boost in following as I continue to iterate my DA.

James M

Instagram – @ransacksport

Facebook – Ransackmedia

Twitter – Ransackmedia

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